La ensalada caprese es una ensalada italiana con solo tres ingredientes: mozzarella, tomate y albahaca, aderezada con sal y aceite de oliva. ¡Muy fácil de hacer y muy muy rica!
Prep time
20 minutes
Cook time
10 minutes
Caprese salad is an Italian salad with just a few main ingredients; mozzarella, tomato and basil, seasoned with salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Very easy to make and very very tasty! I use basil oil instead of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in this version.

- 1/2 bunch basil
- 200ml (6.8 fl oz) olive oil
- 4 large ripe tomatoes
- 3 balls of mozzarella
- balsamic vinegar
- sea salt
To make the basil oil, simply add two big handfuls of picked basil leaves into a jar and blend with the olive oil. (Note: you can get away with just olive oil for this and not use EVOO, but by all means, if you want to go for it)
- Once blended, pour into a small pot and bring to a light simmer for 5 minutes, pass through a coffee filter, and leave to cool. This will last about 3 weeks in the fridge.
- Assemble the salad: slice the tomatoes and mozzarella. Alternate a slice of tomato, a slice of mozzarella, and a basil leaf, repeating until all ingredients are used. Season well with sea salt and drizzle with your homemade basil oil (or quality EVOO, if you prefer) and balsamic vinegar.
Recipe video
Recipe notes
Even though it's not classic, I'm a big fan of basil oil instead of EVOO on a caprese salad. Either way, it's delicious. But if you are going to use EVOO instead of basil oil, make sure you are using a good quality one.