Ich glaube, das ist Katelyns neues Lieblingsgericht. Leckere Onigiri gefüllt mit würziger Thunfischmayonnaise, eines mit gedämpftem Reis und Nori und das andere mit knusprig gebratenem Reis. Das ist ziemlich schnell und einfach zuzubereiten.
Prep time
30 minutes
Cook time
20 minutes
I think this is Katelyn's new favourite dish. Delicious Onigiri filled with spicy tuna mayonnaise, one with steamed rice and nori and the other with crispy pan-fried rice. It's pretty quick and easy to put this one together.

- 1 cup sushi rice
- 1 can tuna in spring water, drained
- small bunch of chives finely sliced
- 0.5 teaspoon Tōgarashi (more if you like it spicy)
- 4 tbsp Japanese mayo
- 2 tbsp Tonkatsu sauce
- 1 sheet nori
- soy sauce for glazing the pan-fried ones
Cook the rice by rinsing it under cold water until it runs clear, then place the rinsed rice into a rice cooker with 1 cup of water and cook.
- Once cooked, let it cool to room temp (about 20 mins) before you make your onigiri.
- For the tuna mayo filling, simply mix the tuna, mayo, chives, Tonkatsu and Tōgarashi.
- To make your onigiri, season a bowl of water with salt, wet your hands and place about 1/4 cup of rice in your hand. Flatten it out and place a heaped tablespoon of the tuna mayo in the middle. Then place some more rice over the top and shape it into a triangle shape.
- If you are eating as is, place a piece of nori in the bottom and season on the top with some more Tōgarashi.
- To pan fry, place a small amount of oil in a pan and fry on both sides over medium-high heat, then glaze with soy sauce at the end.
- Enjoy!
Recipe video
Recipe notes
Worth noting there are so many variations of onigiri and you can eat it with just steamed rice and nori or pan fry. I prefer the pan-fried ones for the added crunch.