Schauen Sie sich dieses super einfache und köstliche Rezept für Sommerpudding an. Vollgepackt mit saftigen Erdbeeren, süßen Himbeeren und säuerlichen Brombeeren – dieses Dessert ist der Traum eines jeden Obstliebhabers. Krönen Sie es mit einem Klecks kühler Crème fraîche und einem Spritzer hausgemachtem Himbeercoulis für die perfekte süß-cremige Kombination!
Prep time
30 minutes
Cook time
10 minutes
Check out this super easy and delicious Summer pudding recipe. Packed with juicy strawberries, sweet raspberries, and tart blackberries - this dessert is a fruit lover’s dream. Top it off with a dollop of cool crème fraîche and a drizzle of homemade raspberry coulis for that perfect sweet and creamy combo!

- 1kg (2.2 lbs) fresh (or frozen) mixed berries
- zest of 1 orange
- 150g (5.3 oz) sugar
- 1/5 loaf of sliced white bread
- crème fraîche, to serve
- icing sugar, to garnish
In a pan over medium heat, combine the berries, sugar, and orange zest. Cook, stirring frequently, for 6-7 minutes, or until the berries are soft. Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly for about 10 minutes.
- Line a medium-sized, deep bowl or a small cake tin with cling film. Trim the crusts off the white bread and line the bowl with bread slices, ensuring all surfaces are covered and that the bread extends about 0.5cm above the top of the bowl.
- Spoon the cooked berry mixture into the bowl, along with some of the juice, reserving any remaining juice for garnish. Cover the berries with more slices of white bread. Pull the cling film over the top to seal it tightly. Place a plate or lid on top, then add something heavy to press down. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or overnight, to set.
- Carefully remove the pudding from the fridge and from the bowl. Slice into quarters and serve with crème fraîche, any remaining berry compote, and a sprinkle of icing sugar.