Nichts geht über das Oliebollen-Rezept meiner Oma – sie sind leicht, locker und außen perfekt knusprig. Sie sind ein ganz besonderer holländischer Donut, den wir nur an Silvester backen, um das kommende Jahr zu feiern.
Prep time
1 hour 5 minutes
Cook time
20 minutes
Nothing beats my Oma’s Oliebollen recipe - they are light, fluffy and perfectly crispy on the outside. They are a really special Dutch donut that we only make on New Year's Eve to celebrate the year ahead.

- 14g dried yeast
- 125ml warm water
- 60g caster sugar
- 450g flour
- Pinch salt
- 250ml milk
- 2 eggs
- 100g currants
- 100g raisins
- 1 granny smith apple, diced
- Icing sugar for dusting
- Oil for frying (I use canola)
Place the yeast into the warm water, stir and set aside.
- In a large mixing bowl add the sugar, flour, and salt and mix.
- Create a well in the centre and add the milk, beaten eggs and water yeast mixture.
- Starting from the centre and working your way out, mix the batter.
- Mix through the currants, raisins and apple.
- Leave the mixed dough in a bowl big enough for it to double, cover it with plastic wrap and set aside for 1 hour.
- In a large pot 2/3 full with oil, heat until it reaches 160c.
- Using 2 spoons, place in golf ball size pieces of the dough in batches of 5-6 and cook until golden brown - around 5-6 minutes.
- Remove from the oil and leave on a wire rack to drain.
- Dust HEAVY with icing sugar and enjoy!