Gunkanmaki, also known as battleship sushi, is a type of sushi made with a strip of nori seaweed wrapped around a mound of sushi rice that is topped with various fillings. The fillings can include sashimi-grade seafood, crab, or salmon roe. Gunkanmaki is often served with soy sauce and wasabi on the side.
Prep time
1 hour
Cook time
40 minutes
Gunkanmaki, also known as battleship sushi, is a type of sushi made with a strip of nori seaweed wrapped around a mound of sushi rice that is topped with various fillings. The fillings can include sashimi-grade seafood, crab, or salmon roe. Gunkanmaki is often served with soy sauce and wasabi on the side.
- 400g (2 cups) sushi rice (1 pound)
- 80ml (5 tbsp) sushi rice seasoning
- 300g (10½ ounces) sashimi-grade seafood (e.g., kingfish, salmon, yellowfin tuna)
- 4 sheets nori
- pinch of Shichimi Togarashi
- wasabi paste
- soy sauce for dipping
- finger lime for garnish (optional
Place the sushi rice in a pot or rice cooker. Rinse 3–4 times until the water runs almost clear.
- Drain any excess water and add the same volume of water as rice (e.g., 2 cups of rice = 2 cups of water).
- Cook the rice in a rice cooker (one cycle) or in a pot over low heat with the lid on, until the water evaporates.
- Once cooked, transfer the rice to a large bowl and gently break it up with a spoon.
- Pour over the sushi rice seasoning and mix until evenly coated. Cover the rice with a tea towel and set aside.
- Finely dice the sashimi-grade seafood or your chosen fillings using a sharp knife, ensuring not to mash them.
- Optional: Include fillings like crab or salmon roe, which are harder to roll into traditional maki.
- Season the fillings with Shichimi Togarashi or your preferred seasoning, mix well, and set aside.
- Cut the nori sheets into 2cm (¾ inch) wide strips.
- Wet your hands, take a small amount of sushi rice, and shape it into an oval or rugby ball shape.
- Place a small amount of wasabi on top of the rice ball.
- Wrap a strip of nori around the outside of the rice, using a little water to seal the ends.
- Fill the gunkanmaki with your prepared fish or fillings.
- Optional: Top with finger lime for garnish. Serve with soy sauce on the side.