Jian Bing ist ein beliebtes chinesisches Frühstück, das an vielen Straßenständen serviert wird. Es ähnelt einem chinesischen Pfannkuchen, ist aber ein Crêpe auf Mehlbasis, der mit Ei, Crackern, Gewürzen, Frühlingszwiebeln, Chili-Knoblauch-Öl und Koriander vermischt wird. Hier ist ein Jian Bing-Rezept, wie man es zu Hause zubereiten kann.
Prep time
20 minutes
Cook time
40 minutes
Jian bing is a popular Chinese breakfast that served at many street stalls. It's a a flour based crepe that's mixed with egg, crackers, spices, spring onion, chilli garlic oil and coriander. Here is a jian bing recipe to make it at home.

- 120g (about 1 cup) plain flour
- 60g (about 1/2 cup) rye flour
- chilli garlic sauce
- yellow soybean paste
- sesame seeds
- 4 eggs
- a handful of crackers
- 2 spring onions, sliced
- a small bunch of coriander, roughly chopped
- 1 head of lettuce, washed and leaves separated
- peanut oil for cooking
To make the batter, add the plain flour, rye flour, and a pinch of salt to a bowl along with 600ml (about 2.5 cups) of water. Whisk until mostly smooth; it's okay if there are a few small lumps. Set the batter aside.
- Place a large cast-iron pan over medium heat and lightly coat it with peanut oil using a paper towel to spread the oil evenly.
- Pour just enough batter into the pan to spread it thinly across the surface. Let it cook for about 1 minute. Then, crack an egg into the centre of the crepe and spread it over the entire surface. Sprinkle some spring onions and sesame seeds on top.
- Once the egg is set and you see some colour developing, carefully flip the crepe.
- On the flipped side, spread 1 tablespoon of yellow soybean paste and 1 tablespoon of chilli garlic sauce. Add the crackers, lettuce leaves, and coriander. Fold the crepe and cut it in half.
- Serve while still hot and fresh.