Du musst meine Kirsch-Pistazien-Pavlova probieren
Prep time
40 minutes
Cook time
2 hours
You have got to try my cherry and pistachio pavlova.

- 6 egg whites / 200g
- 270g caster sugar
- 10g cornflour + more for dusting the pan
- 1 tsp grapeseed oil
- 5g white vinegar
- 5g vanilla paste
- 300ml whipping cream
- 2 tbsp icing sugar
- Fresh cherries, pitted
- Pistachios, toasted
Start by preheating your oven to 120°C.
- Use a stand mixer with the whisk attachment and start whisking your egg whites. Start slowly and increase the speed every 2-3 minutes.
- Once the egg whites start to form soft peaks, you can start pouring in your sugar slowly.
- It should take you up to 3 minutes to slowly pour in all the sugar. Once it's all in, let it mix for another 2 minutes.
- Check to see if the sugar is all dissolved by rubbing a small amount of the meringue between two fingers and see if it's grainy.
- If it's smooth, you're good to move to the next step. If it's still slightly grainy, turn your mixer back on to medium-high for another 2-3 minutes or until the grainy texture goes away.
- While the mixer is running, add the cornflour, white vinegar and vanilla.
- Mix for another 2-3 minutes or until everything is incorporated.
- Brush a large oven sheet pan lined with grease-proof paper with grapeseed oil.
- Dust over a layer of cornflour. You can use a cake ring to give you an outline of a circle.
- Place your meringue into the centre of the circle. You can be as tidy or as rustic as you want with this, but you do want to make an even layer of meringue so that it cooks evenly.
- Place this into a 120°c oven for an hour and a half. After that time, simply turn the oven off, leave the door closed and leave the meringue in there to cool completely.
- To garnish, whisk your cream with the icing sugar and spread it evenly on the top of the meringue.
- Finish by adding fresh pitted cherries with toasted pistachios and enjoy!
Recipe video
Recipe notes
If cherries are not in season, you can use any fruit on top of a pav. Berries work really well.