This is the third, and largest, sausage roll in the series. Easy to make but it does take longer to cook. In this one, I make the puff pastry from scratch but you can use store bought as well.
8 Pieces
Prep time
2 hours
Cook time
45 minutes
This is the third, and largest, sausage roll in the series. Easy to make but it does take longer to cook. In this one, I make the puff pastry from scratch but you can use store bought as well.

- 800g pork mince, 80% lean 20% fat
- 300g diced smoked bacon
- 6g of finely cut thyme
- 10g fine sea salt
- 400g rough puff
- 12 grinds of black pepper
- Sea salt and extra fresh thyme to garnish
- 250g plain flour
- 0.5 tsp fine table salt
- 250g butter, chilled and diced
- 125ml ice-cold water
Rough puff pastry
Place the pork mince, salt, pepper, bacon and thyme into a large mixing bowl and use your hands to mix well until the mince is well combined and tacky.
- Wrap the sausage mixture firmly in plastic wrap into a large sausage shape, then place it into the fridge to chill.
- Remove your rough puff from the fridge and roll it out until it's 2mm thick on a lightly floured surface.
- Place your preformed, chilled sausage at one end of the pastry and roll the pastry over so one end overlaps the other.
- Brush with egg wash the two ends of the dough that will meet, and then roll the puff pastry over so it completely encases the sausage and has a small amount of overlap.
- Crimp the end with a fork and cut any excess pastry off.
- Brush it completely with egg wash on the outside and optionally use some of the leftover pastry to decorate the sausage roll.
- Garnish with some more fresh thyme and sea salt.
- Place it back in the fridge for 30 minutes before you bake it.
- In a 180°c oven, bake the sausage rolls for 35-40 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown, and the sausage is completely cooked through.
Rough puff pastry directions
Place your flour, salt and butter into a large mixing bowl.
- Rub your fingers into the butter and break it up slightly.
- Once the butter is well coated in flour, add the ice, and cold water and stir with a spoon.
- Once the dough starts to come together you can use your hands until you have a shaggy mess.
- Turn the dough out onto a floured bench and bring it together. Then with a rolling pin, start rolling it out. It's important to try and keep it nice and uniform at this stage.
- Once you have it at about 30cm x 15cm, roll the two ends into the centre so there are now three layers. Push this together, then wrap it in clingfilm and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- After 30 minutes, remove from the fridge and roll out to 30 x 15cm. Again fold the two ends into the centre like before and place it back in the fridge for another 30 minutes.
- Repeat this step four times and you'll know it's done when all the butter streaks have almost disappeared.
- When you're ready to use it, roll it out to about 2mm thick and use it like you would any puff pastry.
Recipe video
Recipe notes
I just want to emphasise the importance of keeping the dough cold at all times. Try and work fast and if at any point you think the butter is starting to melt, then stop what you're doing and place it back in the fridge to chill.